(And now for what has become the sadly habitual once-a-month post to tell you about cool beer-related stuff:)
Hey all you Beer Geeks in the Twin Cities, have I got treats for you! Forgetting for a moment about how incredibly awesome it will be to hang out with ME, I've got beer, new beer and ridiculously cool rock & roll music for you. Check it out:
Thursday, 7/17, 5 pm - Zipps tasting w/ a backing band. No shit, can you believe it? A backing band for a tasting. And a damn good one at that: www.myspace.com/purecountrygold - yah, asses will be kicked what with the delicious FREE BEER and rock & roll.
Thursday, 7/17, 7 pm - Mackenzie Pub. This is a Furthermore Beer re-release party in a general sense. In a very particular sense, this is a release party for our new beer, Oscura - a dark Mexican coffee lager that is oh so freakishly delicious. Read about it here: www.madisonbeerreview.com/2008/07/furthermores-got-new-beer.html
Fri, Sat, Sun, 7/18, 19, 20 - Deep Blues Festival in Lake Elmo. C'mon! 40+ dirty blues bands? A film festival? Bargain at four times the price? Go, dammit! We'll be there, pouring beer backstage and drinkin' in some kick-booty music. You might even see Aran there, in a rare appearance by FmB's over-burdened brewer. www.deepbluesfestival.com
Well, we hopes to sees ya'.
xxoo FmB